Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart Boys Basketball Roster

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Austin AvsecJunior
Matthew WalcottGFreshman
Ryan BridgeFSophomore
Mason DickGFreshman
Austin "Grant" GriesackerGSophomore
Bruno WilliamsFJunior
Iseia Fields-SchulzF6’ 1”185Senior
James HannaGSophomore
Lucca GrisafiSenior
Tommy Moses IIISenior
Patrick AltmarJunior
Gino WilliamsSenior
Jake Johnson
Vann Kavals
Chad MintonJunior
Finnian McGarveyJunior
Frankie IgrecSophomore
Tiernan McCulloughSophomore
Owen MinzerJunior
Grant KalichJunior