High school scores, summaries and schedules for Sept. 18, 2020
Saturday, September 19, 2020 | 12:40 AM
Friday’s results
Class 6A
Canon-McMillan 24, Mt. Lebanon 17
Central Catholic 38, Norwin 28
Seneca Valley 38, Hempfield 0
Baldwin at North Allegheny, ppd.
Class 4A
Big 8
Belle Vernon 45, West Mifflin 0
Laurel Highlands 16, Ringgold 12
Thomas Jefferson 51, Trinity 14
Greater Allegheny
Greensburg Salem 13, Knoch 12
Hampton 17, Armstrong 0
Mars 12, Highlands 7
Plum 48, Indiana 10
Class 3A
Allegheny 7
Derry 31, Deer Lakes 7
East Allegheny 35, Burrell 14
North Catholic 51, Valley 6
Elizabeth Forward 45, Brownsville 0
South Park 28, Yough 26
Southmoreland 28, South Allegheny 21
Class 2A
Chartiers-Houston 21, Beth-Center 6
McGuffey 40, Charleroi 6
Washington 55, Waynesburg 0
Beaver Falls 29, Laurel 14
Freedom 21, Riverside 0
New Brighton 6, Ellwood City 0
Three Rivers
South Side 24, Carlynton 8
Class A
Big 7
Cornell 27, Northgate 6
OLSH 41, Burgettstown 0
Rochester 54, Union 24
Clairton 53, Leechburg 14
Greensburg Central Catholic 26, Imani Christian 0
Tri-County South
Avella 26, Jefferson-Morgn 8
Bentworth 14, Monessen 6
Carmichaels 43, Mapletown 8
West Greene at California, ppd.
Aliquippa 44, Ambridge 0
Apollo-Ridge 48, Freeport 14
Brentwood 37, Quaker Valley 20
Central Valley 49, Blackhawk 6
Chartiers Valley 9, South Fayette 7
Franklin Regional 42, Fox Chapel 20
Gateway 55, Bethel Park 14
Keystone Oaks 44, Steel Valley 36
Latrobe 35, Mt. Pleasant 7
Ligonier Valley 35, Frazier 19
McKeesport 49, New Castle 27
Montour 27, Hopewell 12
Moon 17, North Hills 0
Peters Township 24, Penn-Trafford 21
Pine-Richland 34, Upper St. Clair 13
Serra Catholic 50, Seton LaSalle 25
Sto-Rox 28, Avonworth 13
West Allegheny 40, Shaler 7
Woodland Hills 26, Penn Hills 7
District 10
Class 6A
Erie McDowell 45, Butler 7
Albert Gallatin 28, Brooke (W.Va.) 19
Saturday’s schedule
Class A
Big 7
Fort Cherry at Shenango, 7 p.m.
Jeannette at Riverview, 12 p.m.
Springdale at Bishop Canevin, 7 p.m.
Western Beaver at Beaver, 7:30 p.m.
Monday’s schedule
Kiski Area at Connellsville, 7 p.m.
Friday’s summaries
Class 6A
Canon-McMillan 24, Mt. Lebanon 17
Mt. Lebanon 7 3 7 0 —17
Canon-McMillan 0 0 14 10 —24
M: Alex Tecza 4 run (kick)
M: Casey Sorsdal 37 field goal
M: Eli Heidenreich 12 pass from Joey Daniels (Sorsdal kick)
C-M: Chris Davis 90 kickoff return (Anthony Finney kick)
C-M: Chris Davis 64 pass from Laymont Lyons (Finney kick)
C-M: 0 safety
C-M: David Mowod 6 run (Dane Matuscin pass from Lyons)
Passing leaders: C-M, Laymont Lyons 5-9-104-1TD-0INT.
Seneca Valley 38, Hempfield 0
Seneca Valley 7 10 14 7 —38
Hempfield 0 0 0 0 —0
SV: Luke Lawson 11 pass from Dustin Horn (Adam Davies kick)
SV: Davies 25 field goal
SV: Lucas Lambert 13 pass from Dustin Horn (Davies kick)
SV: Connor Lyczek 25 pass from Dustin Horn (Davies kick)
SV: James Sprentz 54 pass from Dustin Horn (Davies kick)
SV: Dustin Horn 1 run (Davies kick)
Passing leaders: SV, Derek Horn 12-15-202-4TD-0INT.
Class 5A
Franklin Regional 42, Fox Chapel 20
Franklin Regional 6 8 21 7 —42
Fox Chapel 0 14 0 6 —20
FR: Ayden Hudock 0 blocked punt (kick failed)
FC: Justin Rice 1 run (Mike Tarasi kick)
FR: Tyler Bewszka 2 run (Trevor Brncic run)
FC: Benjamin Wilk 6 pass from Rice (Tarasi kick)
FR: Luke Reppermund 35 pass from Brncic (Caden Smith kick)
FR: Brncic 3 run (Smith kick)
FR: Mario Sarnic 18 pass from Brncic (Smith kick)
FC: Rice 2 run (Tarasi kick failed)
FR: Reppermund 12 pass from Brncic (Smith kick)
Passing leaders: FR, Trevor Brncic 16-20-196-3TD-0INT. FC, Justin Rice 13-28-169-1TD-5INT.
Receiving leaders: FR, Mario Sarnic 10-112, TD. FC, Benjamin Wilk 6-123, TD.
Gateway 55, Bethel Park 14
Bethel Park 7 0 7 0 —14
Gateway 21 34 0 0 —55
G: Jayden Hurt 5 pass from Carsen Engleka (Jayson Jenkins kick)
BP: Troy Volpatti 76 blocked field goal return (Michael Francus kick)
G: Derrick Davis 6 run (Jayson Jenkins kick)
G: Shane Thrift 16 pass from Engleka (Jayson Jenkins kick)
G: Davis 1 run (Jayson Jenkins kick failed)
G: Davis 75 run (Jayson Jenkins kick)
G: Patrick Body 25 pass from Engleka (Jayson Jenkins kick)
G: Davis 11 run (Jayson Jenkins kick)
G: Body 11 pass from Engleka (Jayson Jenkins kick)
BP: Nathaniel Kadosh-Harris 45 run (Francus kick)
Rushing leaders: G, Derrick Davis 10-157, 4 TDs.
Passing leaders: G, Carsen Engleka 19-25-240-4TD-0INT.
Receiving leaders: G, Patrick Body 7-126, 2 TDs.
Moon 17, North Hills 0
Moon 7 10 0 0 —17
North Hills 0 0 0 0 —0
M: Dylan Sleva 1 run (Sam Woolslare kick)
M: Sleva 7 run (Woolslare kick)
M: Woolslare 33 field goal
Passing leaders: M, Tyler McGowan 12-22-155-0TD-0INT.
Receiving leaders: M, Dawson Snyder 6-115.
Peters Township 24, Penn-Trafford 21
Penn-Trafford 7 0 0 14 —21
Peters Township 14 0 7 3 —24
PT: Breylen Carrington 23 interception return (Andrew Massucci kick)
P-T: Chase Vecchio 11 pass from Ethan Carr (Nathan Schlessinger kick)
PT: Vinny Sirianni 11 run (Massucci kick)
PT: Carrington 32 interception return (Massucci kick)
P-T: Brad Ford 37 pass from Carr (Schlessinger kick)
P-T: Cole Darragh 32 interception return (Schlessinger kick)
PT: Massucci 35 field goal
Passing leaders: P-T, Ethan Carr 11-23-147-2TD-5INT.
Pine-Richland 34, Upper St. Clair 13
Pine-Richland 7 20 7 0 —34
Upper St. Clair 6 0 0 7 —13
P-R: Alex Gochis 6 pass from Cole Spencer (Zach Waryanka kick)
USC: David Pantelis 11 pass from Ethan Dahlem (Abelardo Sobarzo kick failed)
P-R: Caden Schweiger 2 run (Waryanka kick failed)
P-R: Gochis 8 pass from Spencer (Waryanka kick)
P-R: Schweiger 1 run (Waryanka kick)
P-R: Charlie Mill 14 pass from Spencer (Waryanka kick)
USC: Aidan Besselman 21 pass from Dahlem (Sobarzo kick)
Passing leaders: P-R, Cole Spencer 22-35-267-3TD-1INT. USC, Ethan Dahlem 17-29-224-2TD-0INT.
Woodland Hills 26, Penn Hills 7
Penn Hills 0 7 0 0 —7
Woodland Hills 0 12 14 0 —26
PH: Derrick Topeck 1 run (Jonah Silverman kick)
WH: Deontae Williams 14 run (pass failed)
WH: Williams 20 run (pass failed)
WH: Taelen Brooks 7 run (pass failed)
WH: Omari Daniels 21 pass from Williams (Eris Seibles run)
Chartiers Valley 9, South Fayette 7
South Fayette 0 7 0 0 —7
Chartiers Valley 0 0 6 3 —9
SF: Joey Audia 11 pass from Naman Alemada (Justin Caputo kick)
CV: Anthony Collura 27 pass from Socrates Boulis (kick failed)
CV: Jacob Salsberry 23 field goal
Passing leaders: SF, Naman Alemada 15-29-147-1TD-0INT.
Latrobe 35, Mt. Pleasant 7
Latrobe 6 3 12 14 —35
Mt. Pleasant 0 0 7 0 —7
L: Tucker Knupp 64 pass from Landan Carns (kick failed)
L: John McHenry 24 field goal
L: Dylan Gustafson 8 run (kick failed)
M: Aaron Alakson 68 pass from Asher O’Connor (Robbie Labuda kick)
L: Kyle Brewer 16 run (run failed)
L: Gustafson 2 run (McHenry kick)
L: Bobby Fetter 3 run (McHenry kick)
Passing leaders: L, Landan Carns 8-17-138-1TD-1INT.
Receiving leaders: L, Tucker Knupp 4-106, TD.
West Allegheny 40, Shaler 7
West Allegheny 13 7 13 7 —40
Shaler 0 0 0 7 —7
WA: Tommy St. Claire 10 run (kick failed)
WA: Paul Newton 25 pass from Gavin Miller (Breana Gerst kick)
WA: Miller 5 run (Gerst kick)
WA: St. Claire 5 run (Gerst kick)
WA: Newton 7 run (run failed)
WA: Mason Marchinsky 6 run (Gerst kick)
S: Josh Miller 4 run (kick)
Rushing leaders: S, Josh Miller 22-116, TD.
Passing leaders: WA, Gavin Miller 9-16-213-1TD-2INT.
Albert Gallatin 28, Brooke, W.Va. 19
Brooke, W.Va. 0 0 7 12 —19
Albert Gallatin 6 14 8 0 —28
AG: Dylan Shea 42 run (kick failed)
AG: Shea 1 run (Bruno Fabrycki run)
AG: Caleb Lang 28 pass from Shea (kick failed)
AG: Shawn Loring 1 run (Fabrycki pass from Shea)
B: Aaron Scipio 23 pass from Joshua Shorts (kick)
B: Shorts 1 run (kick failed)
B: Roger Gabbert 2 run (kick failed)
Rushing leaders: AG, Shawn Loring 23-129, TD.
Passing leaders: AG, Dylan Shea 5-8-122-1TD-0INT.
Class 4A
Big 8
Belle Vernon 45, West Mifflin 0
West Mifflin 0 0 0 0 —0
Belle Vernon 14 18 6 7 —45
BV: Dane Anden 4 pass from Jackson Jewell (Tommy Kovatch kick)
BV: Devin Whitlock 60 punt return (Tommy Kovatch kick)
BV: Jake Haney 5 run (kick failed)
BV: Quinton Martin 5 pass from Whitlock (pass failed)
BV: Anden 30 run (pass failed)
BV: Anden 10 run (pass failed)
BV: Jewell 8 run (Willie Schwerha kick)
Rushing leaders: BV, Dane Anden 11-118, 2 TDs.
Laurel Highlands 16, Ringgold 12
Ringgold 0 0 0 12 —12
Laurel Highlands 0 7 6 3 —16
LH: Rodney Gallagher 2 run (Zack Layton kick)
LH: Jayden Pratt 19 pass from Joe Chambers (run failed)
LH: Layton 28 field goal
R: John Polefko 1 run (pass failed)
R: Braydon Fine 27 run (pass failed)
Rushing leaders: R, Landon Oslowski 23-100.
Passing leaders: LH, Joe Chambers 15-23-187-1TD-0INT.
Receiving leaders: LH, Rodney Gallagher 6-104.
Thomas Jefferson 51, Trinity 14
Thomas Jefferson 13 21 10 7 —51
Trinity 7 0 7 0 —14
T: Micah Finley 27 pass from Connor Roberts (kick)
TJ: Ian Hansen 34 pass from Jake Pugh (Andrew Graham kick failed)
TJ: DeRon VanBibber 14 run (Graham kick)
TJ: VanBibber 11 pass from Pugh (Jack Sella kick)
TJ: Preston Zandier 48 punt return (Graham kick)
TJ: Hansen 14 pass from Pugh (Sella kick)
TJ: Zandier 4 pass from Pugh (Graham kick)
T: Finley 19 pass from Roberts (kick)
TJ: Sella 31 field goal
TJ: Justin Lekse 36 pass from Aiden Palmer (Graham kick)
Passing leaders: TJ, Jake Pugh 12-28-239-4TD-1INT.
Receiving leaders: TJ, Ian Hansen 8-195, 2 TDs.
Greater Allegheny
Greensburg Salem 13, Knoch 12
Knoch 6 6 0 0 —12
Greensburg Salem 7 0 6 0 —13
GS: Ahkeem White 63 pass from Hayden Teska (Wyatt Ramer kick)
K: Keith Washington 1 run (kick failed)
K: Washington 1 run (kick failed)
GS: Donovin Waller 15 pass from Teska (kick failed)
Rushing leaders: K, Keagan Fraser 16-101.
Passing leaders: GS, Hayden Teska 9-21-195-2TD-1INT.
Hampton 17, Armstrong 0
Hampton 7 7 3 0 —17
Armstrong 0 0 0 0 —0
H: Christian Liberto 3 run (Matt DeMatteo kick)
H: Christian Liberto 21 run (DeMatteo kick)
H: DeMatteo 25 field goal
Rushing leaders: H, Christian Liberto 34-174, 2 TDs.
Passing leaders: A, Cadin Olsen 7-24-112-0TD-0INT.
Mars 12, Highlands 7
Mars 6 0 0 6 —12
Highlands 0 0 7 0 —7
M: Teddy Ruffner 97 kickoff return (kick failed)
H: Brock White 9 pass from Chandler Thimons (D.J. Loveland kick)
M: Teddy Ruffner 4 run (run failed)
Rushing leaders: H, Brock White 29-119.
Passing leaders: H, Chandler Thimons 7-26-101-1TD-2INT.
Plum 48, Indiana 10
Indiana 0 10 0 0 —10
Plum 28 6 14 0 —48
P: Ryan Hubner 62 run (Reed Martin kick)
I: Devin Flint 85 run (Josh Glaser kick)
P: Eryck Moore 30 run (kick failed)
I: Glaser 34 field goal
P: Logan Brooks 14 pass from Hubner (Martin kick)
P: Bill Guzzi 39 pass from Hubner (Martin kick)
P: Brooks 67 pass from Hubner (Martin kick)
P: Moore 21 run (Martin kick)
P: Brooks 80 pass from Hubner (Martin kick)
Rushing leaders: I, Devin Flint 23-146, TD.
Passing leaders: P, Ryan Hubner 9-11-238-4TD-0INT.
Receiving leaders: P, Logan Brooks 4-164, 3 TDs.
McKeesport 49, New Castle 27
New Castle 7 20 0 0 —27
McKeesport 7 21 14 7 —49
M: Keyshawn Humphries 3 run (Milton Campos kick)
NC: Allen Bradley 35 fumble recovery (Donny Cade kick)
M: Terrance Glenn 6 run (Campos kick)
NC: Michael Wells 3 run (Cade kick failed)
M: Kenneth Thompson 83 kickoff return (Campos kick)
NC: Michael Wells 1 run (Cade kick failed)
M: Glenn 30 run (Campos kick)
M: Glenn 1 run (Campos kick)
M: Glenn 65 run (Campos kick)
Rushing leaders: M, Terrance Glenn 18-139, 4 TDs.
Passing leaders: NC, Michael Wells 14-25-125-1TD-2INT.
Aliquippa 44, Ambridge 0
Ambridge 0 0 0 0 —0
Aliquippa 14 23 7 0 —44
A: Vernon Redd 40 run (Emmanuel Gyadumantey kick)
A: Cyair Clark 23 pass from Vaughn Morris (Gyadumantey kick)
A: Gyadumantey 33 field goal
A: Redd 1 run (kick failed)
A: Clark 31 pass from Morris (Gyadumantey kick)
A: Ty Crocker 31 pass from Morris (Gyadumantey kick)
A: Antonyo Anderson 70 pass from Jabarhi Cleckley (Gyadumantey kick)
Passing leaders: A, Vaughn Morris 7-13-109-3TD-0INT.
Montour 27, Hopewell 12
Hopewell 0 12 0 0 —12
Montour 7 7 7 6 —27
M: Gannon Kadlecik 52 run (Nikolas Dettling kick)
H: Jamar Jeter 32 pass from Micah Kimbrough (kick failed)
M: Luke Persinger 16 run (Dettling kick)
H: Kimbrough 5 run (run failed)
M: Persinger 4 run (Dettling kick)
M: Caleb Williams 8 run (kick failed)
Rushing leaders: M, Gannon Kadlecik 15-140, TD.
Passing leaders: H, Micah Kimbrough 12-27-154-1TD-0INT.
Class 3A
Allegheny 7
East Allegheny 35, Burrell 14
Burrell 0 0 6 8 —14
East Allegheny 7 0 12 16 —35
EA: Mekai Mitchell 4 run (Matt Armenio kick)
B: Alex Arledge 1 run (run failed)
EA: Michael Smith 4 run (run failed)
EA: Amaryeh Lucky 95 pass from Smith (run failed)
EA: Smith 14 run (Kiyon Delts pass from Smith)
EA: Mitchell 12 run (Delts run)
B: Ian Durci 4 pass from Arledge (Durci pass from Arledge)
Passing leaders: EA, Michael Smith 7-10-195-1TD-0INT.
Receiving leaders: EA, Amaryeh Lucky 3-123, TD.
North Catholic 51, Valley 6
Valley 0 0 0 6 —6
North Catholic 14 30 7 0 —51
NC: Kyle Tipinski 7 run (Ethan Marsico kick)
NC: Joey Prentice 4 run (Marsico kick)
NC: Tyler Maziarz 26 pass from Prentice (Marsico kick)
NC: Nick Maher safety
NC: Maher 24 pass from Prentice (Marsico kick)
NC: Tipinski 15 run (Marsico kick)
NC: Carson Laconi 16 pass from Prentice (Marsico kick)
NC: Jack Fennell 1 run (Marsico kick)
V: Thomas Albert 70 pass from Domanick Simmons (run failed)
Elizabeth Forward 45, Brownsville 0
Brownsville 0 0 0 0 —0
Elizabeth Forward 21 10 7 7 —45
EF: DaVontay Brownfield 5 run (Andrew Smith kick)
EF: Brownfield 37 run (Smith run)
EF: Brownfield 13 run (Smith kick)
EF: Chase Whatton 3 run (Smith kick)
EF: Smith 30 field goal
EF: Nico Mrvos 26 pass from Evan Lewis (Smith kick)
EF: Lewis 1 run (Smith kick)
South Park 28, Yough 26
Yough 0 14 0 12 —26
South Park 0 21 0 7 —28
SP: Nate May 30 pass from Harper Conroy (kick failed)
SP: May 3 run (Mason Kasprack pass from Conroy)
Y: C.J. Waldier 8 pass from Tristan Waldier (kick failed)
Y: Gamal Marballie 26 pass from Tristan Waldier (Tristan Waldier run)
SP: Brendan Wood 9 pass from Conroy (Jaison Mikelonis kick)
Y: Gamal Marballie 16 run (run failed)
SP: May 1 run (Mikelonis kick)
Y: Gamal Marballie 50 fumble recovery (run failed)
Rushing leaders: Y, Gamal Marballie 20-161, TD.
Passing leaders: SP, Harper Conroy 11-15-144-2TD-0INT.
Southmoreland 28, South Allegheny 21
Southmoreland 0 28 0 0 —28
South Allegheny 7 14 0 0 —21
SA: Antonio Epps 51 run (Gavin Cleary kick)
S: Isaac Trout 13 pass from Zach Cernuto (kick failed)
S: Noah Phillips 6 run (Andrew Rodriguez kick)
SA: Epps 75 kickoff return (Cleary kick)
S: Anwar Jones 2 run (Cernuto run)
SA: Logan Steiner 20 run (Cleary kick)
S: Trout 5 run (Rodriguez kick)
Rushing leaders: SA, Logan Steiner 21-271, 2 TDs.
Passing leaders: S, Zach Cernuto 7-14-129-1TD-1INT.
Receiving leaders: S, Isaac Trout 5-124, TD.
Keystone Oaks 44, Steel Valley 36
Keystone Oaks 16 7 7 14 —44
Steel Valley 6 6 16 8 —36
SV: NiJhay Burt 27 run (pass failed)
KO: Logan Shrubb 14 run (kick)
KO: Shrubb 4 run (kick)
KO: Safety
KO: Shrubb 3 run (kick)
SV: NiJhay Burt 21 run (pass failed)
KO: Tyler Perry 4 run (kick)
SV: Nyzair Burt 30 run (NiJhay Burt run)
SV: NiJhay Burt 2 run (NiJhay Burt run)
KO: Sadeq Watts 7 run (kick)
KO: Shrubb 3 run (kick)
SV: NiJhay Burt 31 run (Nyzair Burt pass from NiJhay Burt)
Rushing leaders: KO, Logan Shrubb 35-231, 4 TDs. SV, NiJhay Burt 24-175, 4 TDs.
Passing leaders: KO, Logan Shrubb 18-31-226-0TD-1INT.
Apollo-Ridge 48, Freeport 14
Apollo-Ridge 13 0 26 9 —48
Freeport 7 0 0 7 —14
F: Brady Stivenson 56 pass from Vinnie Clark (Parker Lucas kick)
A-R: Keighton Reese 3 run (Gavin Cole kick)
A-R: Logan Harmon 1 run (kick failed)
A-R: Klay Fitzroy 32 pass from Jake Fello (Gavin Cole kick)
A-R: Logan Harmon 2 run (kick failed)
A-R: Reese 10 run (Gavin Cole kick)
A-R: Logan Harmon 14 run (kick failed)
A-R: Nick Curci 17 run (Gavin Cole kick)
F: Ben Lane 80 run (Vinnie Clark kick)
A-R: safety
Rushing leaders: A-R, Logan Harmon 18-162, 3 TDs.
Passing leaders: A-R, Jake Fello 9-19-161-1TD-0INT.
Receiving leaders: A-R, Klay Fitzroy 5-105, TD.
Central Valley 49, Blackhawk 6
Blackhawk 0 0 0 6 —6
Central Valley 21 21 0 7 —49
CV: Landon Alexander 16 run (Sarafino DeSantis kick)
CV: Stephon Hall 8 run (Ben Walmsley kick)
CV: Amarian Saunders 5 run (DeSantis kick)
CV: Jayvin Thompson 7 run (Walmsley kick)
CV: Myles Walker 7 pass from Ameer Dudley (DeSantis kick)
CV: Hall 3 run (Walmsley kick)
CV: Bret FitzSimmons 2 run (DeSantis kick)
B: Grant Wissner 4 run (kick failed)
Class 2A
McGuffey 40, Charleroi 6
McGuffey 7 27 6 0 —40
Charleroi 0 0 0 6 —6
M: Rocco Falosk 0 fumble recovery (Nate Witkowski kick)
M: Kyle Brookman 1 run (Witkowski kick)
M: Kyle Brookman 9 pass from Rocco Falosk (Witkowski kick)
M: McKinley Whipkey 1 run (kick failed)
M: Whipkey 18 run (Witkowski kick)
M: Philip McCuen 14 run (kick failed)
C: Nikko Pellegrini 19 run (pass failed)
Washington 55, Waynesburg 0
Waynesburg 0 0 0 0 —0
Washington 21 21 7 6 —55
W: Michael Allen 25 run (kick failed)
W: safety
W: Brandon Patterson 23 pass from Davoun Fuse (run failed)
W: Tayshawn Levy 30 run (Nicholas Blanchette kick)
W: Vandell Page 4 run (Blanchette kick)
W: Allen 17 pass from Fuse (Blanchette kick)
W: Levy 57 punt return (Blanchette kick)
W: Elijah Thomas 10 run (Blanchette kick)
W: Elijah Odom 43 run (kick failed)
Passing leaders: W, Davoun Fuse 4-10-101-2TD-0INT.
Beaver Falls 29, Laurel 14
Laurel 0 0 14 0 —14
Beaver Falls 0 6 16 7 —29
BF: Josh Hough 14 run (run failed)
L: Michael Pasquarello 17 pass from Kobe DeRosa (DeRosa kick)
BF: Shileak Livingston 4 run (Hough run)
L: Luke McCoy 19 run (DeRosa kick)
BF: Hough 57 run (Livingston run)
BF: Livingston 1 run (Tyler Cain kick)
Rushing leaders: BF, Josh Hough 11-202, 2 TDs; Shileak Livingston 12-103, 2 TDs.
Freedom 21, Riverside 0
Freedom 0 0 0 21 —21
Riverside 0 0 0 0 —0
F: Reiker Welling 98 pass from Cole Beck (Garrett Paxton kick)
F: Welling 41 pass from Beck (Paxton kick)
F: Welling 7 pass from Beck (Paxton kick)
Passing leaders: F, Cole Beck 18-28-235-3TD-0INT.
Receiving leaders: F, Reiker Welling 5-161, 3 TDs.
New Brighton 6, Ellwood City 0
Ellwood City 0 0 0 0 —0
New Brighton 0 6 0 0 —6
N: Nya Greene 1 run (kick failed)
Rushing leaders: N, Nya Greene 20-147, TD.
Three Rivers
South Side 24, Carlynton 8
Carlynton 0 8 0 0 —8
South Side 2 7 2 13 —24
SSB: safety
C: Shawn Curry 10 run (Bryan Lee pass from Khalil Kerr)
SSB: Aden Almashy 3 run (Noah Prince kick)
SSB: safety
SSB: Ryan Navarra 1 run (Prince kick)
SSB: Navarra 5 run (kick failed)
Ligonier Valley 35, Frazier 19
Ligonier Valley 0 14 14 7 —35
Frazier 7 6 0 6 —19
F: Luke Santo 25 pass from Brayden Boggs (kick)
F: Isaac Thomas 23 pass from Boggs (kick failed)
LV: Haden Sierocky 1 run (George Golden kick)
LV: Nick Beitel 67 interception return (Golden kick)
LV: Grant Dowden 5 run (Golden kick)
LV: Dowden 25 pass from Sierocky (Golden kick)
LV: Sierocky 9 run (Golden kick)
F: Christian Mingrino 27 run (run failed)
Passing leaders: F, Brayden Boggs 7-11-141-2TD-1INT.
Brentwood 37, Quaker Valley 20
Brentwood 0 13 12 12 —37
Quaker Valley 6 0 0 14 —20
QV: Patrick Cutchember 3 run (Mason Diemert kick)
B: Aiden Wardzinski 1 run (Jack Wisenauer kick failed)
B: Wardzinski 30 run (Wisenauer kick)
B: Wardzinski 1 run (pass)
B: Wardzinski 5 run (pass failed)
QV: Cutchember 1 run (pass failed)
B: Wardzinski 4 run (Wisenauer kick)
QV: Gavin Eshenbaugh 89 kickoff return (Cutchember run)
B: Wardzinski 5 run (pass failed)
Rushing leaders: B, Aiden Wardzinski 31-237, 6 TDs. QV, Patrick Cutchember 30-183, 2 TDs.
Passing leaders: B, Jase Keib 6-9-180-0TD-1INT. QV, Patrick Cutchember 6-16-103-0TD-0INT.
Sto-Rox 28, Avonworth 13
Sto-Rox 0 6 8 14 —28
Avonworth 0 7 6 0 —13
S-R: Jaymont Green-Miller 78 fumble recovery (kick failed)
A: Trevor Faulkner 16 pass from Nathan Harper (Michael Osekowski kick)
S-R: Austin Jones 13 run (Dionte Givens run)
A: Peyton Faulkner 34 pass from Nathan Harper (kick failed)
S-R: Jones 1 run (Jones run)
S-R: Zay Davis 64 run (kick failed)
Passing leaders: S-R, Austin Jones 14-24-143-0TD-1INT. A, Nathan Harper 20-39-242-2TD-3INT.
Class A
Big 7
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart 41, Burgettstown 0
Burgettstown 0 0 0 0 —0
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart 21 14 6 0 —41
OLSH: Jay Pearson 85 kickoff return (Ryan Gehring kick)
OLSH: Pearson 80 pass from Neimiah Azeem (Gehring kick)
OLSH: Pearson 32 pass from Azeem (Gehring kick)
OLSH: Azeem 2 run (Gehring kick failed)
OLSH: Pearson 1 run (Ziggy McIntosh pass from Azeem)
OLSH: Dior Devers 1 run (Gehring kick failed)
Passing leaders: OLSH, Neimiah Azeem 8-17-196-2TD-0INT.
Receiving leaders: OLSH, Jay Pearson 2-112, 2 TDs.
Rochester 54, Union 24
Union 0 8 8 8 —24
Rochester 14 22 0 18 —54
R: Rashawn Reid 2 run (pass failed)
R: Denny Robinson 2 run (Ryan Clark pass from Robinson)
R: Robinson 1 run (pass failed)
U: Ron Holmes 42 pass from Tyler Staub (Holmes pass from Staub)
R: Sal Laure 17 run (Reid run)
R: Laure 37 run (Jerome Mullins pass from Clark)
U: Holmes 11 pass from Staub (Staub run)
R: Laure 13 run (kick failed)
U: Anthony Nealy 56 pass from Staub (Jackson Clark run)
R: Laure 68 run (kick failed)
R: Laure 27 run (kick failed)
Rushing leaders: R, Sal Laure 17-226, 5 TDs; Denny Robinson 18-113, 2 TDs.
Passing leaders: U, Tyler Staub 9-13-168-3TD-1INT.
Clairton 59, Leechburg 14
Clairton 32 21 0 6 —59
Leechburg 0 0 7 7 —14
C: Brooklyn Cannon 78 pass from Dontae Sanders (pass failed)
C: Jonte Sanders 6 run (pass failed)
C: Dontae Sanders 27 run (Jonte Sanders run)
C: Isaiah Berry 11 run (pass failed)
C: Dontae Sanders 69 run (pass failed)
C: Dontae Sanders 45 run (Tyyon Cobbs pass from Jonte Sanders)
C: Berry 10 run (Christian Jenko kick)
C: Cannon 32 pass from Jonte Sanders (kick failed)
L: Braylan Lovelace 3 run (Ryan Shaw kick)
C: Greg Lee 4 run (kick failed)
L: Dylan Cook 2 run (Shaw kick)
Rushing leaders: C, Dontae Sanders 7-213, 3 TDs; Isaiah Berry 6-166, 2 TDs.
Passing leaders: C, Jonte Sanders 3-4-109-2TD-0INT. L, Dylan Cook 10-18-130-0TD-0INT.
Receiving leaders: C, Brooklyn Cannon 3-107, 2 TDs.
Tri-County South
Avella 26, Jefferson-Morgan 8
Jefferson-Morgan 8 0 0 0 —8
Avella 12 0 7 7 —26
A: Cole Davidson 12 run (Robbie West kick failed)
A: K.J. Rush 5 run (Gabe Lis pass failed from Rush)
J-M: Cole Jones 1 run (Kevin Teagarden run)
A: Cole Jaworowski 38 pass from Rush (West kick)
A: Lis 13 pass from Rush (West kick)
Passing leaders: A, K.J. Rush 12-14-196-2TD-0INT.
Bentworth 14, Monessen 6
Bentworth 0 7 0 7 —14
Monessen 6 0 0 0 —6
M: Dayton Carson 32 pass from Shane Swope (kick failed)
B: Owen Petrisek 70 pass from Trent Cavanaugh (Trevor Richardson kick)
B: Owen Petrisek 18 run (Richardson kick)
Carmichaels 43, Mapletown 8
Mapletown 0 8 0 0 —8
Carmichaels 14 21 8 0 —43
C: Mike Stewart 18 pass from Trenton Carter (Christian Mori kick)
C: Stewart 4 pass from Carter (Mori kick)
C: Carter 2 run (Mori kick)
C: Bailey Jones 13 run (Mori kick)
M: Landan Stevenson 15 run (Landan Stevenson pass from Max Vanata)
C: Bailey Jones 4 run (Mori kick)
C: Stewart 61 pass from Carter (Bailey Jones run)
Rushing leaders: M, Landan Stevenson 29-173, TD. C, Bailey Jones 16-119, 2 TDs.
Passing leaders: C, Trenton Carter 6-9-138-3TD-0INT.
Receiving leaders: C, Mike Stewart 6-138, 3 TDs.
Cornell 27, Northgate 6
Cornell 6 14 7 0 —27
Northgate 0 0 6 0 —6
Cornell: Tim Henderson 4 run (kick failed)
Cornell: EJ Dawson 1 run (kick failed)
Cornell: Drew Lopez 35 interception return (Ameer Hibler run)
Cornell: Henderson Tim 76 run (M.J Smith kick)
N: Davonte Christe 4 run (run failed)
Cross country
Friday’s results
Gingerbread Man Kiski Cavalier Invitational
1.Joel Beckwith, Indiana, 16:43.2; 2. Jack Lorence, Fox Chapel, 17:26.5; 3. Drew Kozuch, Latrobe, 17:29.3; 4. Jake Folaron, Kiski Area, 17:40.2; 5. Ethan Napolitan, Fox Chapel, 17:41.4; 6. Shane Funk, Fox Chapel, 17:41.6; 7. Bennett Kerr, Franklin Regional, 17:48.4; 8. Matt Dongiovanni, Kiski Area, 17:51.8; 9. Dante Frescura, Latrobe, 17:52.0; 10. Owen Putt, Indiana, 17:54.3
1.Fox Chapel (40 points), 2. Indiana (69), 3. Latrobe (88), 4. Kiski Area (98), 5. Franklin Regional (133)
Red, White and Blue Classic
At White Oak Park
Class A
1. Colby Belczyk, Riverside, 16:53.30; 2. Mason Ochs, Riverview, 17:04; 3. Sean Aiken, Eden Christian, 17:22; 4. Parker Steele, Riverview, 17:28; 5. Ty Fluharty, Riverside, 17:33; 6. Finn Sweeney, OLSH, 17:36; 7. Ian Bilger, Eden Christian, 17:38; 8. Thomas Presnar, Shenango, 17:41; 9. Alex Siege, Chartiers-Houston, 17:43; 10. Christian Maxwell, Shenango, 17:50
1. Riverview (62), 2. Eden Christian (79), 3. OLSH (98), 4. St. Joseph (106), 5. Chartiers-Houston (113)
Friday’s results
Gingerbread Man Kiski Cavalier Invitational
1.Eliza Miller, Kiski Area, 19:24.1; 2. Hope Trimmer, Uniontown, 19:57.0; 3. Corinn Brewer, Greensburg Central Catholic, 20:08.2; 4. Laura Carter, Fox Chapel, 20:16.8; 5. Clara Kelly, Fox Chapel, 20:30.9; 6. Leah Brockett, Burrell, 20:48.2; 7. Amelia Faust, Plum, 21:30.8; 8. Lexie Planinsek, Latrobe 21:40.6; 9. Lizeth Sesmas, Kiski Area, 21:43.7; 10. Kiyara Sawyers, Gateway, 21:49.7
1.Fox Chapel (78 points), 2. Kiski Area (91), 3. Franklin Regional (102), 4. Latrobe (137), 5. Plum (167)
Red, White and Blue Classic
At White Oak Park
Class A
1. Carmen Medvit, Shenango; 2. Maya Poziviak, Serra Catholic; 3. Reagan Ryen, Marion Center; 4. Kathleen Simander, St. Joseph; 5. Grace Baldauff, Northgate; 6. Brandi Carmack, St. Joseph; 7. Lydia Valeriano, Northgate; 8. Lauren Lomago, Eden Christian; 9. Lilly Ryer, Marion Center; 10. Mary Ella McCarthy, Eden Christian
1. St. Joseph (42), 2. Marion Center (72), 3. OLSH (99), 4. Eden Christian (110), 5. Serra Catholic (118)
Friday’s results
Class 3A
Section 3
Butler 201, North Hills 252
Medalist: Ryan Porch (B), 37
Section 5
Montour 216, Blackhawk 229
Medalist: Austin Bailey (M), 39
Section 8
Knoch 255, Freeport 272
Shady Side Academy 186, Freeport 272
Medalist: Chaz Troutman (SSA), 34
Shady Side Academy 186, Knoch 255
Medalist: Chaz Troutman (SSA), 34
Class 2A
Section 1
Burrell 0, Jeannette 2 (Jeannette forfeits)
Medalist: Logan Schoepf (B), 43
Riverview 260, Leechburg 269
Medalist: Cole Villa (L), 40
Section 7
Elizabeth Forward 247, Steel Valley 268
Medalist: Logan Monzak (EF), 43
Friday’s summaries
Class 3A
Section 8
Shady Side Academy 186, Freeport 272
Shady Side Academy: Chaz Troutman, 34; Wes Warden, 35; Adam Lauer, 38; Will Badeer, 39; Garrett Fuhrer, 40
Freeport: Paul Zecca, 51; Eli Abbott, 52; Karsen Kronen, 54; Aiden Liston, 54; Nate Covey, 61
Class 2A
Section 1
Burrell 0, Jeannette 2 (Jeannette forfeits)
Burrell: Logan Schoepf, 43; Reece Kennedy, 44; Jaxon Logut, 46; Forrest Primm, 52; Austin Schueler 52
Jeannette: Caleb Kuhn, 66; Nate Holman, 75; Marcus Wise, 76; Caleb Bertok, 80
Friday’s result
Class 3A
Section 2
Peters Township 161, Upper St. Clair 164
Medalist: Delaney Kern (USC), 36
Friday’s result
Class A
Section 2
Greensburg Central Catholic 11, Geibel 0
Saturday’s schedule
Class 4A
Section 1
Seneca Valley at Pine-Richland, 3 p.m.
Shaler at North Allegheny, 7:30 p.m.
Section 2
Bethel Park at Upper St. Clair, 11:30 a.m.
Peters Township at Mt. Lebanon, 4 p.m.
Section 3
Connellsville at Hempfield, 12:30 p.m.
Latrobe at Penn-Trafford, 7:30 p.m.
Class 3A
Section 1
Highlands at Armstrong, 10 a.m.
Indiana at Knoch, 10 a.m.
Mars at Freeport, 7:30 p.m.
Section 2
Blackhawk at South Fayette, 6:30 p.m.
Central Valley at Beaver, 2:30 p.m.
Chartiers Valley at Moon, 7:30 p.m.
Montour at West Allegheny, 2 p.m.
Section 3
Greensburg Salem at Laurel Highlands, 12 p.m.
Thomas Jefferson at Albert Gallatin, 12 p.m.
Trinity at Belle Vernon, 12:30 p.m.
Section 4
Gateway at Obama Academy, 2:45 p.m.
Kiski Area at Penn Hills, 5 p.m.
Plum at Woodland Hills, 12:30 p.m.
West Mifflin at Franklin Regional, 2:30 p.m.
Class 2A
Section 1
Avonworth at Elizabeth Forward, 10 a.m.
South Allegheny at Keystone Oaks, 12:30 p.m.
Section 2
Deer Lakes at Leechburg, 4 p.m.
Valley at Derry, 10 a.m.
Section 3
Southmoreland at Charleroi, 12 p.m.
Yough at Mt. Pleasant, 10 a.m.
Section 4
Freedom at North Catholic, 11:30 a.m.
Hopewell at Ellwood City, 10 a.m.
New Brighton at Mohawk, 10 a.m.
Quaker Valley at Ambridge, 2:30 p.m.
Class A
Section 1
Beaver County Christian at South Side, 10 a.m.
Neshannock at Riverside, 10 a.m.
Section 2
Jeannette at Winchester Thurston, 10 a.m.
Serra Catholic at Trinity Christian, 11 a.m.
St. Joseph at Greensburg Central Catholic, 1 p.m.
Section 3
Bishop Canevin at Eden Christian, 2:30 p.m.
Riverview at Carlynton, 12 p.m.
Section 4
Chartiers-Houston at Brentwood, 10 a.m.
Monessen at Beth-Center, 11 a.m.
Seton LaSalle at Bentworth, 10 a.m.
California at Aquinas Academy, 12 p.m.
Ligonier Valley at Springdale, 12:30 p.m.
Friday’s result
Class A
Section 4
Sewickley Academy 4, Eden Christian 1
Saturday’s schedule
Class 4A
Section 2
Bethel Park at Baldwin, 2:30 p.m.
Seton LaSalle at Mt. Lebanon, 2:30 p.m.
Class 3A
Section 3
Hempfield at Penn Hills, 3:30 p.m.
Class 2A
Section 1
Ambridge at North Catholic, 7 p.m.
Hopewell at Ellwood City, 12:30 p.m.
Class A
Section 2
Seton LaSalle at Monessen, 10 a.m.
Section 3
Mohawk at Riverside, 12 p.m.
Section 4
Ellis School at Aquinas Academy, 10 a.m.
West Mifflin at Carlynton, 10 a.m.
Winchester Thurston at Bishop Canevin, 12 p.m.
Burrell at Franklin Regional, 11:30 a.m.
Chartiers-Houston at Avonworth, 11:30 a.m.
Chartiers Valley at Moon, 7 p.m.
East Allegheny at Bentworth, 1 p.m.
Elizabeth Forward at Belle Vernon, 4:30 p.m.
Mohawk at Beaver, 11 a.m.
Moon at Montour, 11:30 a.m.
Oakland Catholic at Canon-McMillan, 3 p.m.
Penn-Trafford at Gateway, 11 a.m.
Pine-Richland at Plum, 12:30 p.m.
Quaker Valley at Eden Christian, 12:30 p.m.
Sharpsville at Neshannock, 1 p.m.
South Fayette at Thomas Jefferson, 12:30 p.m.
Southmoreland at Laurel Highlands, 3 p.m.
West Allegheny at Hampton, 12:30 p.m.
Friday’s results
Sewickley Academy 3, Mt. Lebanon 2
Valley 5, Highlands 0
Friday’s summary
Valley 5, Highlands 0
Singles: Eden Richey (V) d. Kialee Gert, 6-0, 6-1; Rachel Schrock (V) d. Breana Cszimadia, 6-1, 6-1; Elisabeth Ervin (V) d. Fatama Sharef, 6-1, 6-1
Doubles: Brinley O’Sullivan/Brinley Hegedus (V) d. Ava Nitowski/Liberty Vasey, 6-2, 6-2; Danica Berecin/Adriana Vagnier (V) d. Kirstyn Svitek/Helena Vasey, 6-2, 6-2
Friday’s result
Class 2A
Section 1
Shenango 3, Laurel 0
Saturday’s schedule
Class 4A
Section 2
Moon at Baldwin, 12:30 p.m.
Section 3
Oakland Catholic at Latrobe, 7:30 p.m.
Class 3A
Section 4
Central Valley at Ambridge, 11:30 a.m.
Class 2A
Section 5
Deer Lakes at South Allegheny, 10 a.m.
Leechburg at Valley, 10 a.m.
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